Tiny Cross Blood, smallest (?) blood map ever


Posted 19 June 2016 - 12:16 am
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This map is the best for a short, but yet frenetic match (plus you only need 4 players).

In this map, you are completely surrounded by the enemies' archers all the time. There is no way to run, escape or protect yourserlf. You can even join enemies's bases going left or right behind the walls and attack their towers. Therefore, you MUST rush them (and they to you), but of course keep in mind that the first player rushing won't be usually the winner, you should know when is a good time to start rushing (towers have 6000 HP). Also, if you think that you can being AFK and you still gets kills without doing nothing you're very wrong. Yes, your archers attack immediately, but knowing how to use them properly lets you to get more kills faster, therefore, having the advantage (plus, the center gives +1 AP every 10 seconds, so it's a good idea to try to maintain it. Even if your archers are being focused you're still getting AP on them, so more kills for you).

Also, it's a perfect map for either 1v1 and 2v2 too. Map control and center are absurdly important in those cases.


0- Archer
75- Crossbowman
150- Arbalest
225- Cavalry Archer
300- Hand Cannoer
400- Heavy Cavalry Archer
500- Elite Chu Ko Nu
600- Elite Longbowman
700- Elite Plumed Archer
800- Elite Mangudai
900- Elite Janissary
1000- Elite Conquistador
1100- Robin Hood
1200- Two villagers (to repair, but they can die in a second if you don't pay attention)
1300- Tamerlane
1500- Subotai

RAZINGS (all units you get from razings can also die in a few seconds so use them as fast as you can)

1- Two Heavy Scorpions
2- Two Siege Rams
3- Two Saboteurs
4- Two Siege Onagers (use them intelligently and you can get a fair amount of kills very fast)
5- Two more Saboteurs (with +55 extra HP)
6- +1000 HP to your tower
7- Your current units on the map get +15 AP.

Overall I think it is a pretty fun map that it's worth a try at least. I hope you guys like it.

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Posted 19 June 2016 - 11:00 am
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Posted 19 June 2016 - 11:32 am
Reminds me to Micro blood from Azzzru, but this one with more blood and a bit of defense.

GJ ;1thumbup
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Posted 15 January 2017 - 1:51 pm
Mini smosh ;w00t

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