CBA v21 - New Features & Updates


Edited 17 May 2017 - 12:40 am by arslan
Hi Everyone,

CBA is getting a new update very soon, some exciting changes have been made in the 'most played' Custom Scenario of Voobly. Hopefully the new changes will make CBA slightly more Exciting and Balanced as well. We do not Guarantee a Perfectly Balanced map, but this is a small effort to revive the Old CBA map for the current CS Players after the "Great CBA Reset".

If you have any 'decent' suggestion for the map, then post here and we will consider it as well.


New Features/Updates for CBA v21

The Gate Keeper

A much needed function for CBA players, who had to LOCK/UNLOCK Each gate individually and there was no Keyboard shortcut for that too(not in my knowledge). A Gate Keeper has been deployed near each player's front Gates, which they can move to LOCK/UNLOCK all three gates at the same time.

A very handy function when Enemy units are close to gates and there is a danger that they may sneak into the base when the gates are opened by mistake.

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Spawn Controller Shortcut

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A shortcut has been added very close to base to Control the length of the Spawn of Units. This is helpful for some Players who had to go behind the Castles to change the Spawn every time they changed their Strategy.

A special unit has been created which upon Moving Forward or Backward alters the length of the Spawn of Castle Units.

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Lock Teams

There were some instances when Hosts did not CHECK the LOCK TEAMS Option at the beginning of the game and changed Diplomacy during the game. This was a serious issue as some players may unite to Kill a Player who is new or did not notice such Trick.

In this Version of CBA , its has been insured that No player can Change Diplomacy after the game has begun, even after the Host has Unchecked the Lock TEAMS option, the game will make sure the Diplomacy cannot be modified or altered by players during the game play.

A special method has been developed by me which Forces all the players to Stay Ally, if they are either Randomly Allied or Chose the Same Teams before the game began.

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The Ally Development Support

There are sometimes in longer CBA games that one or more of your ally Fails to get a Villager or has lost all of his Villagers even after he has reached the Imperial Age. His contribution to the Team game minimizes and the whole team suffers as he becomes a handicap.

To solve this issue a New method has been Deployed by me which is called "The Ally Development Support". If your Ally has Killed more than 25% of its Imperial Age Kills and still has no Villagers or has lost his Villagers, then Every Building you create in your Ally base will be Converted to your Ally building, which he can use to create units of its Choice and thus contribute more to his team Win.

For Example, Mayan get Imperial Age at 500 Kills, if they have killed more than 25% of 500 Kills (approx 625 Kills) and still have not Razed, then you can Create any building(except Stables, as Mayans and Aztecs don't have Stables) in their base with your Villager, that Building will instantly be Converted to your Ally Building, which can then be controlled by your ally to make units.


The Ally Wall Support

This is an important function as many people help their allies by walling them in front and inside the base to save him from their Common Enemy. But this is sometimes exploited or misused by some Allies.
They Block the Spawn of Allies by walling in front or sometimes forget to open the way through the wall.

From now on any wall(Palisade or Stone) which is created in ally's Base will be converted to Ally wall, which he can delete whenever and where ever he wants to.

Also the Palisade walls created by your villager in your ally base in front of Gates and along with Accursed Towers will be Transformed to Stone Walls. It is helpful for Goths who could not wall their Allies. This function is supported for all players and civilizations and does not need special conditions.

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Anti Enemy Wall

This is already blocked in the Current CBA(v20) but players still exploit it and wall the Enemy. This Function is now more Powerful and now covers a bigger area of the map which now cannot be used to Wall your Enemy. This is considered as a Cowardly act by some players and affects the balance of the game. If you want to Block an Enemy block by Force not by Wall!

Other Changes to CBA

+ Aztecs now get Squires Research, they are more Fast now.
+ Saracens Imperial Age Kills have now been increased from 650 Kills to 750 Kills.
+ Franks now need only 2 Razes to get a Villager and need 500 Kills to get Imperial Age.(Old 450 Kills)
+ Spanish now need 700 kills to get Imperial Age. (Old 750 Kills)
+ Turks now need 650 Kills to get Imperial Age. (Old 700 Kills)
+ China now needs to Kill 550 Enemy units to get Imperial Age. (Old 500 Kills)
+ Mayans now need 500 Kills to get Imperial Age. (Old 450 Kills)
+ Byzantines now need 650 Kills to get Imperial Age. (Old 600 Kills)
+ 2 New Palisade Wall to Stone Wall areas have been added.
+ Palisade Wall created in front of gates will now be converted to Stone walls.
+ Architecture Research has now been Re-Enabled.
+ Now Every player gets a Notification if someone reaches Castle Age or Imperial Age.
+ Goths can Stone Wall outside Gates.
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+ and much more...
- CBA v21 - B14.scx (file size: 96.75 KB)
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Posted 12 May 2017 - 6:00 am
Not sure about the allied support thing resticting razes is a viable tactic. Rest looks good.
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Posted 12 May 2017 - 6:56 pm
Great work :)
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Posted 12 May 2017 - 7:08 pm
i hate you so much
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Posted 12 May 2017 - 7:15 pm
Anti Enemy Wall

Who exactly decided to change this ?
You can't fundamentally change a map based on 1 guy's opinion who happens to be in charge of editing maps .

The way you frame the argument makes it perfectly clear I probably walled your indian ass many many times .
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Edited 12 May 2017 - 7:31 pm by TurboTurtle
I don't like the "Ally Development Support" and "Anti Enemy Wall" update. Denying razes to your opponents and walling melee civilizations in their base are viable strategies. Sometimes the only way to stop Persia is to wall him inside. The other changes are okay. I'm in particular a fan of the civilization balance in kills and razes. Those were some much needed changes. I hope the speed bonus for Aztecs will help their early game. Celts still struggle with the early game though. Also, I've found that my biggest struggle with Turks is not the kills, but the razes. Either you win the game easily and you get to raze, or you have to use 100% of your firepower all game to keep your team alive so you can't raze.
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Posted 12 May 2017 - 7:28 pm
  • The Gate Keeper
    Might be useful in some situations but overall its not really necessary and makes the map/base look more complicated. Also, I dont know what kind of unit the wolf is but it would be really ****ed up if that dude ends up in my 40 units group when selecting units via the dragging the mouse. Good idea and intention but overall rather annoying than helpful to me.
  • Spawn Controller Shortcut
    Same thing here. Why add another spawn changer to the map when there is or was already one? Makes the map just look more complicated to newer players and scare them off. Scrolling behind your castles where all your other secondary controls (kills, razes, bs, uni) are isnt really that hard...
  • Lock Teams
    Good addition even though it literally never happened during my time on voobly which are 5k+ CBA games. But if it is an issue in some games then fair enough.
  • The Ally Development Support
    Worst change in my opinion. I can see why it has been added but it changes the gameplay drastically. If you can prevent your enemy from razing or manage to snipe their villagers you should get the reward for doing so and not suddenly have another enemy build the stuff for him. That change alone is reason enough for me not to play it.
  • The Ally Wall Support
    Good addition. I dont see any reason why it shouldnt be added.
  • Anti Enemy Wall
    Bad addition even though I almost never wall an enemy in cause I also think its cowardly. But there are some players (hi obi) who do (or at least try) it almost every game and its part of their playstyle. Why take that away from them? I dont mind having that feature since it only benefits my own playstyle but many players will be upset upon this change.
  • Other Changes to CBA

    + Aztecs now get Squires Research, they are more Fast now.
    + Saracens Imperial Age Kills have now been increased from 650 Kills to 750 Kills.
    + Franks now need only 2 Razes to get a Villager and need 500 Kills to get Imperial Age.(Old 450 Kills)
    + Spanish now need 700 kills to get Imperial Age. (Old 750 Kills)
    + Turks now need 650 Kills to get Imperial Age. (Old 700 Kills)
    + China now needs to Kill 550 Enemy units to get Imperial Age. (Old 500 Kills)
    + Mayans now need 500 Kills to get Imperial Age. (Old 450 Kills)
    + Byzantines now need 650 Kills to get Imperial Age. (Old 600 Kills)
    + 2 New Palisade Wall to Stone Wall areas have been added.
    + Palisade Wall created in front of gates will now be converted to Stone walls.
    + Architecture Research has now been Re-Enabled.
    + Now Every player gets a Notification if someone reaches Castle Age or Imperial Age.
    + Goths can Stone Wall outside Gates.
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Posted 12 May 2017 - 7:34 pm
Actually, I think you may find quick-walling with Palisade Walls rather annoying, when playing against it.
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Posted 12 May 2017 - 7:54 pm
Let me clarify some of the changes for you:

Anti Enemy Wall:

Anti Enemy wall has been in there since very old cba (v8) maps as well, it's not something new to be surprised of. I just expanded the area where the wall cannot be built.

The Ally Development Support:

The area where ally can support you and make buildings for you is very limited, just covers the Original Base and not the whole map. Try to look it from the perspective of your own team, what if your own ally cannot get a Raze, even after he has reached Imperial Age, he will be a burden for the whole team.

It will only make game more exciting, instead of being handicapped by an Ally who cannot get a Raze for a long time. Also it will encourage players not to Delete their Buildings to avoid others from Razing.

The Gate Keeper:

They are deletable units, if you think they are hurdle in your game play, there is no penalty for it.
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Posted 13 May 2017 - 3:15 am
Most of these changes suck
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Posted 13 May 2017 - 3:55 am
i am not a agree with "Anti Enemy Wall", its part of the strategy
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Posted 13 May 2017 - 4:24 am
I like the complementary features and most of the new ideas.

But some of the balance changes are questionable. So please do not claim it's more balanced. If you want something balanced it is BEST done in small changes over time, you added too many new changes at once... that is the first error at least..

And not one thing done about PERSIA, I swear in matches where players know how to use and spread the elephants in coordination with allied ranged units they tend to be massively overpowered. I always thought this was the most obvious balance issue anyway
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Posted 13 May 2017 - 8:55 am
Also add hallebard to Aztec and Viking in imperial age would be nice since they are quite useless civ in vil war
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Edited 13 May 2017 - 11:14 am by [Eot_]Marvel__
Why remove walling an enemy? It's a fair legitimate strategy that can help win outcivs if you work together.

The ally development addition is ****ed too and changes the fundamentals.

Did you get ANY feedback from the community before making such fundamental changes?
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Posted 13 May 2017 - 11:48 am
This has not been rated yet, just so everybody know.

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