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Clan Tournament Standings


Edited 28 November 2010 - 10:46 pm by [ViCiouS]GoogleMaps
After First Round:

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Second Round:

Balaam vs Vicious - Line wars
EoT vs LC - AOW
DAYI vs Gx - AOW

b0x vs IS - Dodgeball
xMp vs BDC - Line wars
I3acI vs 7th - TTD II
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Posted 29 November 2010 - 12:10 am
Let's have a better turn out for round 2 fellas.
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Posted 30 November 2010 - 5:22 am
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Image was upload in poor quality, but I'm gonna do it again. :)
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Edited 30 November 2010 - 9:31 am by [ViCiouS]EyeZz_
Maybe you should allow for the clans who haven't played this week to finish their games on Saturday at 5PM GMT? Instead of the 4 forfeit games or whatever.
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Edited 30 November 2010 - 10:13 am by Archyz
LC's leadership did NOT sign up LC, so remove us. We shouldn't be on there, put someone that actually wants to play. It's outrageous that you put us up there when a RTK or me didn't post, and you guys already knew we weren't going to play.
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Posted 30 November 2010 - 11:14 am
Cory said he would before. It's a pity, the whole idea is to benefit clans like LC and provide a variety of maps that the major clans of CS can participate in. To encourage the older players to play a bit, since they will be games on offer. I seen many LC on daily, why can't you guys field a team? Metal would be able to handle the LC team.
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Edited 30 November 2010 - 11:53 am by Archyz
Why would we sign up if
1) You were inactive and dident bother even posting on LC
2) Archy lost his internet(Although he was active)
3) Frozen is inactive
4) Virus is inactive (our third mexican core)

Theres three of our top players.

That leaves us with our core of Metal and vicer.
+ cory, renegade , gambla, and red.

why would we even waste our time on that bull****?

Just took a post from LC's member forums because I'm too lazy, even though I had to remove a thing or two due to internal RTK stuff. Just got my internet working 15 hours ago.

Now take us off before I start a ****storm.
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Posted 30 November 2010 - 1:50 pm
kind of funny, vicious and eot both signed up with a huge chunk of their cores missing, I guess LC is too worried about past rep to lose in this tourney.
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Posted 30 November 2010 - 2:44 pm
lol, but it's just ...i dno, past rep means nothing lol, 'oh i was best in zone, bla bla bla' that was a long time ago... it means nothing now lol, a guy called P1ngu for instance who actually made CBF was best in rambit and cbf , but now he's not even heard of? ..........................................................

I hope it has nothing to do with _LC_'s reputation, we can simply replace them? there are lots of new and up comming clans who would love a chance.
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Posted 30 November 2010 - 9:41 pm
Bloods have a longer history of being competitive than CB's and had clan wars, which is why more people know of their past clans and players. But yeah, both ViCiouS and EoT_ are missing key players yet we signed up. LC is washed up for reals.
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Posted 1 December 2010 - 10:31 am
there was no need for the start of that ducky lol :) and that's a lie, find every old (zone) rcb player and they'll tell u about pingu or maybe Treason (me) deff within last 4~5 years anyhow.
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Posted 1 December 2010 - 10:35 am
and u can't stay the best forever, i have certainly got alot worse, although i recruitted all of the ppl who can possibly beat me :) jeja

they're just ****s, and in all realism we should just replace the clans who signed up but didn't attend or intend on playing in it, I'm sure we can find some new eagor clans.

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Posted 1 December 2010 - 5:19 pm
i remember when rambit made RCB back on the zone. not many people took it too seriously as a competitive map back then, nor do they now.

as for LC, this whole thing is suppose to be a bit of competitive fun, so what if you only have 6 players? make do and try to get something out of it.
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Posted 1 December 2010 - 11:04 pm
7th has only 4 blood players and 2 of them are missing
so i guess you can remove us too
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Edited 2 December 2010 - 4:01 am by [ViCiouS]EyeZz_
Well I had a chat with Cory about LC and he was getting really heated and refused to give good enough reasons as to why they wouldn't play. He said they did not have enough players when I've been playing with/against Metal/Ghosty/Red/Barbie/Gambla/Redfire and Vicer smurfing in Elz in the last month, plus other people coming back in the last week. I guess LC are too proud to risk losing at something again, even though they have plenty of players able to play?

The whole idea of the tournament is to have fun in different maps and create some clan action. It would be a shame to not have 7th able to participate as well. Reconsider.

We're hoping to make this a seasonal tournament, so the first installment is always going to be a learning curve. Even if you enter with weaker teams, there is always the next tournament you can work towards if unsuccessful in this one.

Rm has this history and respect, so why shouldn't CS?

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